
duck pass


  1. Hahaha! Love the ducks passing (yes Nikos, I have been seeing your blog (and I hope it really is yours, otherwise this wouldn't make sense). Don't understand a greek word that is written here, but I am going to click in the button to the left...
    Now I got the error message Επιλέξτε προφίλ, which I already know that means Select Profile (LOOOOVE google translate).
    I also know that Υποβολή σχολίου ως: is submit comments to (my greek is improving!). I am going to select something google here, hope it means google account and hope it works! If for any reason this doesn't say who am I, it is not difficult to guess by the LOOOOVE IT!!!

  2. i know you gurl!thnx 4 the comment!you found the way your greek is excellent:)
